© 2017
interactive object, site-specific
Appropriation of a found object was created during an art symposium. Forgotten seesaw, in an former kindergarten where the eventtook place and which is the seat of the art organization Peripheral Centers, is getting a new dimension. With its light interaction is offering itself to the passer-by.
Part of the Event, Exhibition :
© 2017
interaktívny objekt, site-specific
Apropriácia nájdeného objektu vznikla počas umeleckého sympózia. Zabudnutá hojdačka v bývalej škôlke kde sa konalo podujatie a ktorá je sídlom umeleckej organizácie Periferné centrá, dostáva nový rozmer. Svojou svetelnou interakciou sa núka okoloidúcim.
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